Garden season is rapidly approaching and we need workers for the Mission Garden located across from the church office on...
April 6, 2023June 11, 2023
Sullivan Tornado Relief
Like many areas across the U.S., the city of Sullivan and Sullivan Country in Indiana were impacted by a tornado...
March 26, 2023September 7, 2023
Stewardship 2023: Experiencing Generosity – God Gives the Growth
The Governing Board and Stewardship Campaign Committee are excited to launch our Spring 2023 stewardship campaign. This year’s theme, “Experiencing...
February 23, 2023November 22, 2023
Lenten Worship Services
The seven mainline churches in Muncie are having joint Lenten worship services every Wednesday of Lent based on the book...
February 17, 2023April 27, 2023
Lenten Bible Study
Have you been waiting for another chance to study the Bible and to grow in your faith and practice? Reverands...
February 10, 2023April 27, 2023
Sponsor 765 Students
We at 765 Student Ministries are looking into providing t-shirts for all the students. We would love to be able...
February 10, 2023April 27, 2023
In my previous newsletter article, I wrote of the importance of intersections in our everyday living. As we continue celebrating...
January 7, 2023February 17, 2023
Christian Ministries Sleeping Rooms
December 15, 2022February 17, 2023
December 3, 2022February 17, 2023