Set Sail at Vacation Bible School

Set Sail at Vacation Bible School

Come aboard, and let’s get ready for Set Sail VBS!! At Set Sail VBS, we will embark on a journey where we can trust our captain to lead us toward our destination, and we can trust God in the same way! On this voyage, we will get a deeper understanding of how to follow Jesus!...

Peace with Justice Sunday

Peace with Justice Sunday

Peace With Justice Sunday is a day when The United Methodist Church celebrates and supports the work of building beloved community. Beginning June 2, Community of Hope will have a two-month celebration of Peace With Justice. A giant calendar will be on the wall between the Sanctuary and Wesley Hall. We think we could fill...

Pastor Heather’s Ordination Ceremony & Celebration

Pastor Heather’s Ordination Ceremony & Celebration

Friday, June 7, 2024 7:00 p.m. St. Luke’s UMC We’d love to have an outpouring of love and support for Pastor Heather for her ordination. Please consider attending this milestone event at St. Luke’s UMC (100 W 86th Street in Indianapolis) on Friday, June 7, at 7 p.m. Then on June 16, we’ll gather in...

Vacation Bible School Call Out Meeting

Vacation Bible School Call Out Meeting

On May 19, during the Coffee Hour after church, we will have a VBS Call Out in Wesley Hall. This will be an informal meeting to discuss how we at Community of Hope would like VBS to look going forward. So, if you have ideas or are interested in helping with VBS going forward, please...

Celebrating Pastor Heather’s Ordination

Celebrating Pastor Heather’s Ordination

Join us in celebrating Pastor Heather’s ordination! The ceremony will be June 7 in Indianapolis, and our reception will be June 16 in Wesley Hall following worship. Be watching for details. If you would like to contribute to a gift for Pastor Heather, please designate the offering as “ordination gift.” We’ll collect offerings through the...

All Church Lenten Study: Hard & Holy Work

All Church Lenten Study: Hard & Holy Work

In the 40-day season of Lent, Community of Hope will engage in a church-wide study of the book “Hard and Holy Work: A Lenten Journey through the Book of Exodus.” In Sunday worship, in small group gatherings, and in our own reading and action, we as a congregation will deepen our connections with God and...

Lighthouse Congregation: A Place for You

Lighthouse Congregation: A Place for You

If you have always had a wonderful and faithful experience in the Church, praise God! For some, especially in the past few years of United Methodism, “church” is a difficult word. In late 2023, some members of Community of Hope were trained in becoming a Lighthouse Congregation. Lighthouse Congregations are places that are intentionally hospitable...

Game Day

Game Day

On Nov. 18 at noon, CoH will be having a board game day in Wesley Hall. We will have food and, of course, board games to play, maybe even some different games that you may not have played before. If you are not a skilled board gamer, no worries, we will have “Game Masters” available to instruct and...

A Note from the Pastors

A Note from the Pastors

…Maybe it was for a moment like this… Esther 4:14 Dear Community of Hope: Thank you so much for all the ways you have welcomed us these past two months. We are getting settled in the parsonage and in our office. The kids have started school, and we all are enjoying finding a routine! Our...

RMN Update: After the Vote

RMN Update: After the Vote

Congratulations Community of Hope, you have voted to affirm the RMN foundational statement and to affiliate with the Reconciling Ministries Network! Our New Reconciling Congregation Form is being completed and will be sent to the Reconciling MInistries Network in the next few weeks.  There are a few things that you might consider doing to help us...

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