Set Sail at Vacation Bible School

Set Sail at Vacation Bible School

Come aboard, and let’s get ready for Set Sail VBS!! At Set Sail VBS, we will embark on a journey where we can trust our captain to lead us toward our destination, and we can trust God in the same way! On this voyage, we will get a deeper understanding of how to follow Jesus!...

Boys & Girls Clubs Donations

Boys & Girls Clubs Donations

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Muncie Indiana will serve 250+ youth from Kindergarten to 8th grade in their Summer Camp Program. They have asked for our help by contributing snacks. The snacks will be provided for after school activities, school breaks, and the Summer Camp. During the month of June; Community of Hope will...

Peace with Justice Sunday

Peace with Justice Sunday

Peace With Justice Sunday is a day when The United Methodist Church celebrates and supports the work of building beloved community. Beginning June 2, Community of Hope will have a two-month celebration of Peace With Justice. A giant calendar will be on the wall between the Sanctuary and Wesley Hall. We think we could fill...

Celebrating Pastor Heather’s Ordination

Celebrating Pastor Heather’s Ordination

Join us in celebrating Pastor Heather’s ordination! The ceremony will be June 7 in Indianapolis, and our reception will be June 16 in Wesley Hall following worship. Be watching for details. If you would like to contribute to a gift for Pastor Heather, please designate the offering as “ordination gift.” We’ll collect offerings through the...

All Church Lenten Study: Hard & Holy Work

All Church Lenten Study: Hard & Holy Work

In the 40-day season of Lent, Community of Hope will engage in a church-wide study of the book “Hard and Holy Work: A Lenten Journey through the Book of Exodus.” In Sunday worship, in small group gatherings, and in our own reading and action, we as a congregation will deepen our connections with God and...

New Member Reception & Cookie Exchange

New Member Reception & Cookie Exchange

Following church on Dec. 17, please join us in celebration of New Members with a reception and cookie exchange. Please bring 3 dozen holiday cookies of your choice to share with others. Please package your cookies six to a Ziploc bag. All who participate in the cookie exchange will each take home 2 dozen cookies...

Donations for Students in Need

Donations for Students in Need

Throughout the first semester at BSU, Grace Village has been averaging around 25 students every Monday night. We have learned that the majority of our students are living in need of some basic items that we all take for granted. A list of these items are on the table in the Narthex, as well as listed below,...

Pastor/Staff Appreciation

Pastor/Staff Appreciation

Deadline: Sunday, October 22, 2023 Let’s join together in a show of appreciation for our pastors and staff! They do so much for us every week, and they are a blessing to Community of Hope. We’ll be celebrating the eleven people listed on the back page of the bulletin with a love offering. You can...



One of the ways that the children of the church can serve is to be an Acolyte and we would love to give all the kiddos of the church that opportunity. To start the process of having Acolytes in the service, we will have Acolyte Training on Sept. 24 right after worship. So, parents, if you kids...

Online Liturgists Wanted

Online Liturgists Wanted

Do you attend worship online but rarely/never in-person?  We’d love for you to be an online liturgist. An online liturgist reads the scripture while being recorded a few days before worship, then is shown on-screen during worship. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Nichole Call.

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