Good Works

Good Works

“I’m sure about this: the one who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the job by the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 1:6

There is so much good work happening at Community of Hope! Since being appointed here almost a year ago, we have realized just how active this congregation is. There always is something going on! And, as the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun. Well, time has flown!

Lent and Easter were early this year. The 40 days of Lent were full of fellowship, reflection, and discipleship. As a church-wide emphasis, we read and learned from “Hard and Holy Work.” We explored how to not only have time to replenish our souls but also how the work of Christ can be liberating and life-changing for us and for the marginalized. Being a disciple of Christ is hard work, but it is also very holy! For that study, we had six adult small groups, a children’s group, and a youth group. The children and youth’s lessons were adapted for their age level. The groups met at church, on Zoom, and even at Concannon’s!

In the midst of Lent, on March 17, we worshiped and ate in Wesley Hall. We began with worship around the tables; and we remembered that not only does God provide on Day 1 as we begin, but that God provides on Day 2 as we continue. Day 1 for Community of Hope was the creation of a new congregation and all the hard and holy work that went into that effort. Now, we’re in Day 2, living into our new identity and reality, and we are going forward. We have all confidence that God will provide a way for us to be good stewards of our building and of all that we are given.

So on the 17th, we worshiped, then we talked around our tables. With almost 100 people in attendance, we had 15 groups come up with ideas for expanding our ministry, which have been included in this newsletter. And then we had a great meal! The energy in the room was uplifting and exciting! Thank you to everyone who contributed. We are using those ideas and that energy to explore what we are called to do next. Please continue to pray as it becomes clearer to us all!

And of course, as if all of that wasn’t enough, we had a meaningful experience of Holy Week. Palm Sunday was marked with a brilliant musical performance of Moses’ story, and how God called Moses and calls each of us to take what we have and lay it down before God, so that we can pick it up again for God’s use. Then we had meaningful worship on the Great Three Days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Jesus’ story that week is where we see God’s salvation at work for us. And best of all, we celebrated a blessed Easter service! Christ has risen, indeed! We could all sing Hallelujah to our living Christ. As a reminder, you

can see those worship services and others past by visiting Community of Hope online.

Liturgically, we are still in Eastertide, but after all of our activity, our programming schedule has returned to ordinary time. We aren’t quite as busy all at once now, but be on the lookout in our bulletin, on our website, and on Facebook for all that is upcoming this summer. We are in the process of planning some summer activities, including a special way to celebrate Peace with Justice Sunday! We hope that you will be able to join us either online or in person. God is creating good work in and through all of us!

On a personal note, I (Heather) want to thank you all for your support, prayers and encouragement over the last several months as I have been working towards ordination. On March 4, I had my interview with the Board of Ordained Ministry, and they recommended me for ordination! You are invited to join the Indiana Conference of the UMC for the celebration of ministry, which includes ordination, baptism of clergy children, and, this year, the honoring of faithful retirement for our bishop and others. Every year, it’s our most meaningful worship moment of the year. That service is on June 7 at 7 p.m. at St. Luke’s UMC in Indianapolis, or you can watch online at We hope to see you there! As always, thank you for your generosity, your faithfulness, and your prayers as we each and all continue to make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.


Colin and Heather

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