Game Day

Game Day

On Nov. 18 at noon, CoH will be having a board game day in Wesley Hall. We will have food and, of course, board games to play, maybe even some different games that you may not have played before. If you are not a skilled board gamer, no worries, we will have “Game Masters” available to instruct and...

Giving Tree & Mitten Tree

Giving Tree & Mitten Tree

Community of  Hope will be sharing in the joy and love of the Christmas season with two mission Projects this Christmas. Giving Tree Sunday will be December 10.  The Giving Tree and Mitten Tree have been serving families in the Muncie  community for over three decades. The Community of Hope will be providing Christmas gifts...

Children’s Super Sundays

Children’s Super Sundays

Sunday, October 29, 2023 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian On Oct. 29, we will be kicking off Super Sundays, our ecumenical children’s ministry events. The first one will be at First Presbyterian Church from 4 to 6 p.m. All the events will be superhero themed, so we encourage your kiddos to dress up...

Join Us for a Pacers Game!

Join Us for a Pacers Game!

Friday, October 20, 2023 Tipoff 7:00 p.m., Doors Open at 6:00 p.m. Deadline to Order is Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. As part of 765 Student Ministries, you are invited to participate in a special group night as the Indiana Pacers take on the Cleveland Cavaliers. Invite your friends and family as we...

A Note from the Pastors

A Note from the Pastors

…Maybe it was for a moment like this… Esther 4:14 Dear Community of Hope: Thank you so much for all the ways you have welcomed us these past two months. We are getting settled in the parsonage and in our office. The kids have started school, and we all are enjoying finding a routine! Our...

Pastor/Staff Appreciation

Pastor/Staff Appreciation

Deadline: Sunday, October 22, 2023 Let’s join together in a show of appreciation for our pastors and staff! They do so much for us every week, and they are a blessing to Community of Hope. We’ll be celebrating the eleven people listed on the back page of the bulletin with a love offering. You can...



One of the ways that the children of the church can serve is to be an Acolyte and we would love to give all the kiddos of the church that opportunity. To start the process of having Acolytes in the service, we will have Acolyte Training on Sept. 24 right after worship. So, parents, if you kids...

Meals for God & Grub

Meals for God & Grub

As we kickoff the school year, our ecumenical campus ministry, Grace Village, is looking forward to ministering and serving BSU students. We again this year are providing a meal for the students at our Monday night ministry, God & Grub. We at CoH are responsible for providing 5 of those meals throughout the school year. There is a sign-up...

RMN Update: After the Vote

RMN Update: After the Vote

Congratulations Community of Hope, you have voted to affirm the RMN foundational statement and to affiliate with the Reconciling Ministries Network! Our New Reconciling Congregation Form is being completed and will be sent to the Reconciling MInistries Network in the next few weeks.  There are a few things that you might consider doing to help us...

Reconciling Ministries Update

Reconciling Ministries Update

Dear Community of Hope, We are excited to inform you that information about our RMN process has been shared with Colin and Heather Cress and they are excited to join us for our final steps of affiliating with the Reconciling Ministries Network and in doing the work to live into what that will look like...