Online Liturgists Wanted

Online Liturgists Wanted

Do you attend worship online but rarely/never in-person?  We’d love for you to be an online liturgist. An online liturgist reads the scripture while being recorded a few days before worship, then is shown on-screen during worship. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Nichole Call.

Welcome Rev. Colin & Rev. Heather Cress!

Welcome Rev. Colin & Rev. Heather Cress!

We are delighted to welcome our new pastors, Revs. Colin and Heather Cress. They will be combining their gifts to serve both here and at Covenant Partners, and it appears to be a perfect fit for all of us. A joint assignment like this isn’t new to the Cresses. They previously served four churches: Morristown,...

Getting to Know the Cresses

Getting to Know the Cresses

The Cresses are eager to get to know all of us, so we’re planning several opportunities for our church family. Individual appointments with the Cresses in their office at CoH are available. Please sign-up in the Narthex or Coffee Bar. One sign-up sheet offers morning appointments; the other offers meetings in the afternoon. If you...

Reconciling Ministries Update

Reconciling Ministries Update

Dear Community of Hope, We are excited to inform you that the straw poll was very promising for our move toward becoming a reconciling congregation. Over 85% of the participants indicated that they were in support or leaning toward adopting the RMN statement and affiliating with the Reconciling Ministries Network. We did gather a couple...

A Better Way Work Day

A Better Way Work Day

Volunteers are requested to participate in a workday at A Better Way (307 E Charles St) on the morning of Saturday, June 10, from 9 a.m. to noon. This is a great opportunity to support a worthy cause in our community. We’re likely to be working outdoors, staining a fence, weeding, and applying mulch. Desired...

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

This year we will be partnering with Lutheran Church of the Cross and Holy Trinity Lutheran to have “On the Case” VBS, where kids will be detectives and dig into some of Jesus’ parables to solve the mysteries of how to grow their faith and how to care for, serve and love others. It is June 19-June 22 at...

Grace Village Fundraiser

Grace Village Fundraiser

On Saturday, May 20, we will be having a Grace Village Fundraiser called “Axe-Travaganza”. Yes, we will be axe throwing. This will be from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Mad Axe Muncie in the Madjax building. The cost is $30 and that will get you 2 hours of axe throwing plus snacks and water. You also need to...

Spring/Summer Bible Study

Spring/Summer Bible Study

Let’s continue to study the Bible and to grow in our faith. Rev. Clive & Rev. Daryl Hamlyn will be leading a Spring/Summer Bible Study which will be held on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. in the chapel at CoH beginning May 16. Sign up in the Narthex, Coffee Bar, or outside the church office.

Reconciling Ministries Network Update

Reconciling Ministries Network Update

Dear Community of Hope, Our work on becoming a Reconciling Congregation was paused over the holidays but is ready to move forward now. Prior to the pause we hosted open forums for question and conversation during the Coffee Hour and we hosted a faithful and inclusive Bible study which had more than 30 people each...

Mission Garden

Mission Garden

Garden season is rapidly approaching and we need workers for the Mission Garden located across from the church office on Main Street. No experience necessary. Planting will begin in early May and we usually work on Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.