Children’s Super Sunday Kids Ministry

Children’s Super Sunday Kids Ministry

We are super pumped to let you know that on April 14, we will have our last Super Sunday Kids Ministry of the school year. This will be at Lutheran Church of the Cross (4401 N. Wheeling Ave.) from 4 to 6 p.m. As a reminder, our theme this year is Superheroes, so feel free to dress as your favorite...

Grace Village Fundraiser: March Madness

Grace Village Fundraiser: March Madness

Cardinals and Hoosiers and Boilermakers Oh My! This year during NCAA March Madness, Grace Village is participating in Campus Ministry Madness, a fundraising challenge between Lutheran Campus Ministry sites across the country. Did you know that 89% of students who participated in campus ministry planned to continue being active in a faith community? Your support...

Holy Week Schedule

Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday, 10 a.m. March 24 in the Sanctuary Maundy Thursday, 7 p.m. March 28 in the Sanctuary Good Friday, 7 p.m. March 29 in the Sanctuary Holy Saturday, 7 p.m. March 30 in the Sanctuary Easter Sunday, 10 a.m. March 31 in the Sanctuary

Children’s Sanctuary Volunteers

Children’s Sanctuary Volunteers

As part of our effort to be a more accepting and loving community for families with young children, we are asking people to sign up to sit in the Children’s Sanctuary on Sunday mornings. Your responsibilities would be to sit in the pew behind the area or sit in the area with the kids, help...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We can be thankful for any opportunity to reset and begin to do better. Heather in particular loves fresh starts and clean slates. Her favorite part of the new year is actually in September, when she buys her annual “Simplified” planner from Emily Ley. All of Heather’s pens and papers are “Simplified”...

All Church Lenten Study: Hard & Holy Work

All Church Lenten Study: Hard & Holy Work

In the 40-day season of Lent, Community of Hope will engage in a church-wide study of the book “Hard and Holy Work: A Lenten Journey through the Book of Exodus.” In Sunday worship, in small group gatherings, and in our own reading and action, we as a congregation will deepen our connections with God and...

Lighthouse Congregation: A Place for You

Lighthouse Congregation: A Place for You

If you have always had a wonderful and faithful experience in the Church, praise God! For some, especially in the past few years of United Methodism, “church” is a difficult word. In late 2023, some members of Community of Hope were trained in becoming a Lighthouse Congregation. Lighthouse Congregations are places that are intentionally hospitable...

Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Breakfast

Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Breakfast

Join Pastor Colin & Pastor Heather at the MLK Jr. Community Breakfast this Monday at 9 a.m. The event is free and features keynote speaker Dr. John Anderson, Director of Ryan Family Navigators Program. A memorized reenactment of the “I Have a Dream” speech is also expected. If you have a CoH shirt, please wear...

Game Day: Trivia

Game Day: Trivia

Are you the smartest person in your friend group? Do people say that you should be on Jeopardy? Well, whether that is the case or not, join us on Feb. 10 at noon for CoH Trivia day. We will be testing your knowledge in trivia across all different genres of trivia. And don’t worry if you aren’t...

Covenant Partners Meals

Covenant Partners Meals

Beginning in January, Community of Hope is going to provide meals for Covenant Partners on the first Sunday of the month. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Any group such as choir, youth, circle, family, or group of friends can sign up. Check with Barb, Pastor Colin, or Pastor Heather for details if...