Covenant Partners Grocery Donations

Covenant Partners Grocery Donations

The Missions Commission would like to extend their challenge from last year to renew their efforts and add to the donation of toiletries for the families of Covenant Partners Ministries. Community of Hope has a goal to provide 50 bags of groceries per month for Covenant Partner’s Community Day. It takes $20-$30 a month to purchase the items. Covenant Partners is located only a few blocks east on Jackson, they truly are our neighbor, not just spiritually but geographically. There is a very specific list of items needed although the size of each container is not important (see list below). We continue to have marked boxes near the nursery for easy drop off. Please have all donations to Community of Hope by the 10th of the each month for timely delivery. Also, please try to have your donations in a heavy plastic bag with handles. The recipients must be able to carry them some distance. Monetary donations in lieu of items are also accepted. Thank you!

  • 1 bottle of shampoo
  • 1 bottle of conditioner
  • 1 bottle of hand soap
  • 1 bottle of dish soap
  • 1 big roll of paper towels
  • 4 pack of toilet paper
  • 1 container of laundry detergent
  • 1 bottle of body wash

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