

One of the ways that the children of the church can serve is to be an Acolyte and we would love to give all the kiddos of the church that opportunity. To start the process of having Acolytes in the service, we will have Acolyte Training on Sept. 24 right after worship. So, parents, if you kids...

Reconciling Ministries Update

Reconciling Ministries Update

Dear Community of Hope, We are excited to inform you that information about our RMN process has been shared with Colin and Heather Cress and they are excited to join us for our final steps of affiliating with the Reconciling Ministries Network and in doing the work to live into what that will look like...

Bible Study with Pastor Heather

Bible Study with Pastor Heather

Come begin a 5-week journey exploring the book of James with Pastor Heather. We will begin on Thursday, Aug. 17, at 5 p.m. in Wesley Hall. All you need to bring is yourself, and your Bible if you would like. We are working on providing childcare. Sign-up here or in the Narthex for the study. Contact...

Muncie Pride: Volunteers Needed

Muncie Pride: Volunteers Needed

Community of  Hope will have an informational booth at Muncie Pride. The event  will be held Saturday, Sep. 2, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Canan Commons. We need volunteers to greet visitors and answer questions about CoH. If you love this community and enjoy having fun, please consider volunteering. Sign up sheets will...

Blessing of the Backpacks

Blessing of the Backpacks

Sunday, Aug. 6 will be our “Blessing of the Backpacks” Sunday. This is when everyone is welcome to bring their backpack, briefcase, purse, or any other bag that you carry on a regular basis to be blessed at the beginning of the school year. We will pray a blessing over all the bags and have...

Reconciling Ministries Update

Reconciling Ministries Update

Dear Community of Hope, We are excited to inform you that the straw poll was very promising for our move toward becoming a reconciling congregation. Over 85% of the participants indicated that they were in support or leaning toward adopting the RMN statement and affiliating with the Reconciling Ministries Network. We did gather a couple...

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

This year we will be partnering with Lutheran Church of the Cross and Holy Trinity Lutheran to have “On the Case” VBS, where kids will be detectives and dig into some of Jesus’ parables to solve the mysteries of how to grow their faith and how to care for, serve and love others. It is June 19-June 22 at...

Spring/Summer Bible Study

Spring/Summer Bible Study

Let’s continue to study the Bible and to grow in our faith. Rev. Clive & Rev. Daryl Hamlyn will be leading a Spring/Summer Bible Study which will be held on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. in the chapel at CoH beginning May 16. Sign up in the Narthex, Coffee Bar, or outside the church office.

Lenten Bible Study

Lenten Bible Study

Have you been waiting for another chance to study the Bible and to grow in your faith and practice?  Reverands Clive and Daryl Hamlyn will lead a Lenten Bible Study with video written by the UMC pastor and leader, Rev. Adam Hamilton.  Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws will be held on Thursday...