Getting to Know the Cresses

Getting to Know the Cresses

The Cresses are eager to get to know all of us, so we’re planning several opportunities for our church family. Individual appointments with the Cresses in their office at CoH are available. Please sign-up in the Narthex or Coffee Bar. One sign-up sheet offers morning appointments; the other offers meetings in the afternoon. If you...

Reconciling Ministries Update

Reconciling Ministries Update

Dear Community of Hope, We are excited to inform you that the straw poll was very promising for our move toward becoming a reconciling congregation. Over 85% of the participants indicated that they were in support or leaning toward adopting the RMN statement and affiliating with the Reconciling Ministries Network. We did gather a couple...

Mission Garden

Mission Garden

Garden season is rapidly approaching and we need workers for the Mission Garden located across from the church office on Main Street. No experience necessary. Planting will begin in early May and we usually work on Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.