Let’s continue to study the Bible and to grow in our faith. Rev. Clive & Rev. Daryl Hamlyn will be leading a Spring/Summer Bible Study which will be held on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. in the chapel at CoH beginning May 16. Sign up in the Narthex, Coffee Bar, or outside the church office.
Author: Administrator (Nichole Call)
Reconciling Ministries Network Update
Dear Community of Hope, Our work on becoming a Reconciling Congregation was paused over the holidays but is ready to move forward now. Prior to the pause we hosted open forums for question and conversation during the Coffee Hour and we hosted a faithful and inclusive Bible study which had more than 30 people each...
Mission Garden
Garden season is rapidly approaching and we need workers for the Mission Garden located across from the church office on Main Street. No experience necessary. Planting will begin in early May and we usually work on Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Sullivan Tornado Relief
Like many areas across the U.S., the city of Sullivan and Sullivan Country in Indiana were impacted by a tornado on Friday, March 31. In an effort to help those affected, we are collecting a special offering. Designated envelopes are available in the windowsills on both sides of the Sanctuary. You may also give online...
Stewardship 2023: Experiencing Generosity – God Gives the Growth
The Governing Board and Stewardship Campaign Committee are excited to launch our Spring 2023 stewardship campaign. This year’s theme, “Experiencing Generosity: God Gives the Growth” invites us to consider our role in God’s workmanship and how our generosity reflects that role. Our campaign will kick off on Sunday, April 16, 2023 and will run through...
Lenten Worship Services
The seven mainline churches in Muncie are having joint Lenten worship services every Wednesday of Lent based on the book “An Altar in the World” by Barbara Brown Taylor. There will be a soup & bread meal at 6 p.m. followed up by discussion/worship at 7 p.m. The schedule and locations are below. -March 1: ...
Lenten Bible Study
Have you been waiting for another chance to study the Bible and to grow in your faith and practice? Reverands Clive and Daryl Hamlyn will lead a Lenten Bible Study with video written by the UMC pastor and leader, Rev. Adam Hamilton. Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws will be held on Thursday...
Sponsor 765 Students
We at 765 Student Ministries are looking into providing t-shirts for all the students. We would love to be able to give every student who comes a shirt along with the stickers we already have. If you would like to donate toward this there are a couple ways. You can right on the memo on...
In my previous newsletter article, I wrote of the importance of intersections in our everyday living. As we continue celebrating the intersection of heaven and earth – divinity and humanity – in the person of Jesus Christ, we remember that frequently at intersections, we are made to slow down, proceed with care, or stop altogether....