Dear Community of Hope,
We are excited to inform you that information about our RMN process has been shared with Colin and Heather Cress and they are excited to join us for our final steps of affiliating with the Reconciling Ministries Network and in doing the work to live into what that will look like for Community of Hope. As a reminder we held our straw poll in early June and had over 85% of participants indicate that they were in support or leaning toward adopting the RMN statement and affiliating with the Reconciling Ministries Network.
Our next step is our Final Vote which after consulting with Heather and Colin has been scheduled to take place on August 27, 2023. We would like to reiterate that becoming a Reconciling Congregation does not limit our work as a church body to only one population. We will continue the missional work we are currently doing and we hope to continue to grow as a missional church for all under the direction of our new pastoral team.
Per RMN guidelines we will be inviting all members AND regular attendees to vote. In order to participate in the vote you need to consider Community of Hope your church home and demonstrate that by attending church activities for at least six months. We are also currently figuring out a virtual voting option and will share that information via announcements as soon as we have a final plan.
Please reach out and let us know what you need, what concerns you have, or how you feel we should adapt this process. This is a lay-led process and your input is valuable.
RM Core Team- Jessica Hamlyn, Loretta Parsons, Crystal Lorch, Beckie Adams, Jerry and Colleen Dixon, Rebecca Dorn, Betsy Fitzgerald, Pat Bennett and Donna Hicks.