Children’s Growing in God’s Seasons

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Children’s Growing in God’s Seasons

We are excited about `Growing in God’s Seasons’ with our children this year through art, music, movement, stories, and, of course, snacks as we learn about the sacraments: Advent, Lent, and New Life and how we spread God’s love! `Growing in God’s Seasons’ will help children keep their eyes open for where God is in their daily lives, how they are being called to love, and to ask questions about their faith together. Please mark the following dates on your calendar and save them to come and participate with the children in your life and/or to volunteer. If you would like to volunteer in ANY capacity, please email  Jesse. Looking forward to a year of learning, wondering, and growing together.

-Feb. 26 at Holy Trinity Lutheran—Lent

-Apr. 16 at First Presbyterian—Easter
