Abide Bible Study

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Abide Bible Study

Thursday, October 27, 2022                                               

6:15 p.m. in the Chapel

Is it time to renew or refresh your spiritual life? Would you like to spend more time in prayer and contemplation? The Hamlyns will be leading an autumn bible study called The Abide Bible Course on Thursday evenings in the Chapel. The study has six sessions and the study book can be purchased from the church for $16 in the Narthex. Money can be put in the offering plates (indicate it’s for the study book). The Kindle version is $10 through Amazon. We are planning to meet on the following dates: Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10, 17, Dec. 1, 8. The followers of Jesus Christ abide with him in the same way that a branch dwells on a vine. It is a life-sustaining connection!
